

We are proud to partner with industry-leading manufacturers to provide the most innovative, highest quality and consistently reliable products available. We provide customers with just-in-time delivery, the latest technologies and the most dependable product expertise.

We offer to the Bulgarian market software and equipment of world leaders in the fields of security, virtualization  and IT infrastructure.

Some of our best selling products from our portfolio are: The award winning integrated software platform WhatsUp Gold for network, traffic, configuration and life cycle managment, together with a log managment solution; Best-in-class thin clients with professional expertise from more than 30 years in the field; Network Load Balancers from the world leader KEMP Technologies with unbeatable price/performance ratio; In the Security products, we offer Web, Mail and AntiVirus protection from Sophos, SSL Certificates from Globalsign and 2FA products from Cryptocard.

Last, but not least, take time to surf through our retail products and you will find the "right" tablet, MID, e-Book reader or phone for you.


Please find more details in the sub-groups, listed below. Enjoy!




  • - Consultancy and technical support
  • - Marketing support
  • - Training
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