
IT News

How to Close the Technology Skills Gap

The first two articles in this series on the technology skills gap focused on numbers. Lots of numbers. Numbers of Americans unemployed and underemployed. Numbers of open jobs that firms cannot fill because they claim applicants do not have the needed skills. And the shocking numbers earned by American students in international assessment examinations that rank them 32nd in the world in mathematics and 22nd in science. Not a beneficial return on investment for another stunning number: the $600 billion American taxpayers spend annually on public education in the United States....


Which C-Level Executive Will Be the Big Data Champion?

So far, it isn't clear which C-level exec will lead the big-data charge. CIOs, if they want a shot at this job, will need to focus on business innovation, not technology....


After 2 years of 22%-plus increases, top Microsoft execs' comp fell in FY 2013

Compensation awarded to the top five executives at Microsoft, including current CEO Steve Ballmer, fell in fiscal year 2013, the first time in the last four years that it's declined, according to a filing with the SEC....


Microsoft takes off the gloves with Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1

In Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1, Microsoft has released a combination of operating system updates that we find very compelling. Microsoft has joined much of the rest of the industry in annual release roll-ups with feature additions, and this time, they listened to the critics. More interesting are the one-upmanship features targeted directly at its virtualization and cloud competition. Some were stunning, despite a few strange and perhaps anecdotal basic problems that we found....


SC13: Relaxed opening night gala stays cool, sets the tone

SC13, the annual conference on supercomputing held by the IEEE and ACM, began Monday night the way most industry confabs end – with a relaxed shindig on the show floor....


Ubuntu Linux server with ARM processor rolled out by Boston Limited

Boston Limited has announced a new server based on ARM processors and certified to run Ubuntu Linux 13.10, a move that could further stir up growing interest in ARM servers....


Security panel to Congress: website should not have launched

Four security experts told Congress today that if they’d been asked, the Web site would not have launched given the known security shortcomings of the site....


In role reversal, Ballmer stays composed, Gates chokes up, in shareholder meeting

In his last appearance at a Microsoft shareholder meeting as CEO, Steve Ballmer said he's completely certain the company is in very good shape to succeed in the next decade under someone else's captainship....


Cryptolocker: The evolution of extortion

The Cryptolocker Trojan is an evolution of "ransomware," not a revolutionary change from past criminal attempts to extort money from PC owners, a security expert said today....


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